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Create a Requisition


This page is designed for employees who will need to create a requisition in ctcLink. More information and key terms are available in the Requisitions Overview page.

requisition is structured in ctcLink to streamline and expedite the entry of requisitions. The structure combined with the default hierarchy speeds up the process of entering data to create a requisition.

The Requestor completes several ctcLink tasks before a requisition becomes a purchase order. In the Create Requisition stage, the Requestor completes data entry into the four basic elements: Header, Line, Schedule, and Distribution. 
•    Each Requisition has one Header, which can have multiple lines.
•    Each Line can have multiple schedules. The Line holds the item information.
•    Each Schedule can have multiple distributions. The schedule defines when and where you want the line items delivered.
•    The Distribution defines internal information for the schedule, such as the way in which accounts and departments should be charged for the purchase and the total price each department should pa

A requisition in ctcLink Purchasing can have one of five different statuses during its life cycle:

  • Approved
  • Canceled
  • Complete
  • Open
  • Pending Approval

The Requisition page enables you to determine the defaults to use for creating requisitions. This page also enables you to enter item information, modify item lines as needed, establish schedules and distributions, and define internal delivery and accounting information.

To Create a Requisition

1. Use the NavBar to move from Menu > Purchasing > Requisitions > Add/Update Requisitions.

2. When the Requisitions search page displays, enter the Business Unit.

3. Enter the Requisition ID or leave defaulted at NEXT.

4. Select the Add button.  

requisitions search page

  1. When the Requisition page displays, the Requester field displays the ID of the person logged into the system and entering the requisition.
  2. Use the Requisition Date field to enter the creation date of the requisition.  The field default value is the current system date, but you can change it.
  3. The Origin field provides information about the origin of the requisition.  ONL means the requisition is being generated online.
  4. The Currency Code field displays the requisition transaction currency.  This value is populated from the Requester Setup page by default.
  5. The value in the Accounting Date field determines the open period or allowable open date range for budget checking a requisition when you are using commitment control.  If the requisition's accounting date falls before or after the open period date range, the system provides a message or warning to prevent you from running budget checking.
  6. Select the Add Comments link to enter comments for a transaction.  You can enter a unique comment or select from predefined standard comments.
  7. Go to the Requisition Line subsection and select the Details tab.  
  8. When the Details tab displays, in the Item field, enter the ID of the item that you want to order.
  9. If the item that you want to order does not have an item ID, you can choose to order the item by description only.  To do this, enter item information in the Description field (locally defined).  
  10. Enter the desired information into the Quantity field.
  11. Enter the Category if you choose to order the item by description only.
  12. Use the Unit of Measure (UOM) field to enter a default unit of measure for the requisition.

requisition page

17. Click on the Ship To/Due Date tab.  

18. When the Ship To/Due Date tab displays, enter the desired information into the Due Date field.

19. Use the Ship To field to enter the default location to where the supplier will ship the order. Ship To should default if based on the requester but can be changed for each line item.

ship to/due date tab

20. Click on the Supplier Information tab.

21. When the Supplier Information tab displays, you may get "Supplier item price is not available - use item standard price" message. If applicable, select the OK button to return to the Supplier Information tab.

22. Enter the desired Supplier ID.

23. Select the correct supplier location in the Location field. Supplier location will default but can be changed for each line item.

supplier information tab

24. Click on the Details tab.

25. When the Details tab displays, select the Schedule Icon button to access the Schedule page, where you can view schedule shipment details and distribution information for each line item. 

details tab

26. When the Schedule page displays, use the Attention To field to define the person to whom or place where the services or goods are to be. Field displays requester name by default but can be changed. 

27. Select the Distribution Icon button on right-hand side.

attention to on the schedule page

28. When the Distribution Detail page displays, use the Distribute By list to select to distribute by either amount or quantity.

29. Enter the desired information into the Percent field. The sum of the line distribution percentages must equal 100 percent.

30. Enter the Distribution (ChartField) details. Use the scroll bar to scroll to the right of the page to enter the valid ChartString(s). For Project-related ChartStrings, enter the PC Business Unit to access the Project and Activity fields.

Chartfields tab

31. Fill in the remainder of the Chartfields.

chartfields entry

32. On the left-side of the Distributions page, select the Details tab within the Distributions subsection.

33. When the Details tab displays, enter the Location. Location will be defaulted, but can be changed.

Distribution location field

34. Select the Asset Information tab to add asset information;

  • AM Unit = Business Unit
  • Profile ID: Use the lookup tool to search for the Profile ID. The Profile ID contains default values for the Asset Class, Type, Subtype, and Threshold ID. It also determines, when this is a capital asset, the useful life of the asset for depreciation purposes. For non-capital assets, the Profile ID should always end with “-SA” to indicate that this is a non-capital asset.
  • The Capitalize checkbox will be automatically checked when a Profile ID is entered.
  • The Cost Type is how PeopleSoft recognizes the proper template for creating the Accounting lines in Asset Management. Select either;
    • G = Governmental, Fund 997, a governmental asset will process a debit to depreciation amortization expense and a credit to allowance for depreciation.
    • P = Proprietary Funds, if not Fund 997.

35. Click OK. When the Schedule page displays, select the Save button. 

Schedule page

36. When the Requisition page displays, from the Line subsection and on the Details tab, enter the desired information into the Price field. 

37. Select the Line Comments Icon button to access the Line Comments page. Use that page to maintain line comments. 

38. Select the Save button.

Requisition page

39. Notice that the Requisition ID and Requisition Name fields have been updated with the new requisition values. The Status field displays the requisition status.

40. Select the Budget Pre-Check icon to the right of "Budget Status."

41. Select the tick mark link to the right of the Status field for Submit For Approval.

Requisition number assigned

42. The process to create a requisition is now complete. The Requisition is ready to be Approved and Budget Checked.

Need More Help? Contact:

  • If you run into any issues following this guide, please contact the Procurement Office to resolve them. We're open from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays.

    • Call us at (360) 596-5249 or (360) 596-5583
    • Email us at
    • Zoom us at
    • Visit us in person in Building 25-246 or Building 16-219