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Enter Time for Hourly, Student, and Volunteer Employees (Enter/Punch Time)

To perform this HR-related task, you must first Navigate to the HCM Self Service Homepages.

Purpose: These directions show how to report Punch time for hourly, student, and volunteer employees who are required to report time; this is the preferred method for Punch Time employees at SPSCC, who have only ONE job. If you have multiple jobs, please see the Report Time for Hourly, Student, and Volunteers Using CTC Time Tile process.

NOTE 1: The Enter Time Tile covered here is not assistive technology supported. If you need to use assistive technology, please use the Report Time Tile covered in a different page titled Enter Time Using Accessible Report Time Tile.

NOTE 2: Entering time may be done for the whole pay period; it does not have to be entered on the actual day worked.

On your Employee Self Service homepage, select the Time tile. 

Employee Self-Service page with Time Tile circled

To Enter Punch Time:

1. On the Time homepage, select the Enter Time Tile

Image of Time Tile page with Enter Time Tile circled

2. For information about the details on the Enter Time page, you can access the View Legend link found on the left side of the page.​​​​​​
Image of Enter Time page for Punch Time

View Legend Box:

List of details from enter time page
3. To enter time, select a Time Reporting Code (TRC) from the drop-down on the left. Only time reporting codes applicable to your job will display for you.

Image to Enter Punch Time with TRC

4. Enter hours in the following. NOTE: Quarter hour increments (.25, .50. ,75) are the lowest amounts (not tenths).

  • In: Time that you started work for the day.
  • Lunch: Time that you left for your meal.
  • In (from Lunch): Time that you returned to work.
  • Out: Time that you finished work for the day.

5. If no meal is taken enter the following:

  • In: Time you started work for the day.
  • Out: Time you finished work for the day.

6. If no AM or PM entry is indicated, time is assumed to be 24 hour time.  

  • EXAMPLE: 8:00AM can be entered as either 8 or 8AM in the timesheet.
  • EXAMPLE: 2:00PM can be entered as either 14 or 2PM in the timesheet (i.e. if 2 is entered without the PM then the system will assume that means 2AM).

7. When time is entered, select Submit.

8. When the Employee Affirmation message pops up, select the OK button. 

Message for employee to affirming accuracy of their time entered
9. After affirming, the Enter Time page will display and the Basic Enter Time process is complete. Time will be processed overnight and sent to the employee’s manager for approval (if it is a TRC that needs approval).

More Options for Entering Punch Time:

A. If time needs to be changed:

  1. Enter a new hour ranges on the day that needs to be altered.
  2. Select Submit and OK.

B. If an additional TRC was worked in that day:

  1. Select the plus sign (+) on the right hand side of the screen to add a row.
  2. Select the new TRC from the drop-down on the right.
  3. Enter the hours worked on the new TRC.
  4. Select Submit and OK.

    C. If there is a large break in the day this is not a meal:

    1. Select the plus sign (+) on the right hand side of the screen to add a row.
    2. Select the same TRC as before from the drop-down on the right.
    3. Enter the hours worked.
    4. Select Submit and OK.

    D. If a TRC needs to be removed from the timesheet:

    1. Select the minus sign (-) on the right hand side of the screen to remove a row from the day.
    2. The system will prompt a question, select either Yes Delete or No Do Not Delete.
    3. If Yes Delete was chosen, and the employee wishes to finalize their choice, select Submit and OK.

    Button showing Yes Delete and No Delete options

    F. If a Comment is needed, select the comment box below the day in which a comment is needed, type in text, and select Add Comment. Comments, once entered, cannot be altered or removed. Additionally, all comments recorded by employees are considered discoverable.

    Image of comment bubble

    Image of Time Report Comment Box

    NOTE: The minimum processing time is overnight. Therefore, time entered may not be visible to the employee or manager in other screens until the overnight processing has occurred.

    Need More Help? Contact:

    • If you run into any issues following this guide, please contact the Human Resources Office to resolve them.  We're open from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays: