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Log into ctcLink?

You must Activate your ctcLink Account first. If you have done this, follow the instructions below to login:


1. From a web browser, navigate to

2. Enter your ctcLink ID into the field and select Next.

ctcLink login with the ctclinkId box and "Next" circled

3. Enter your ctcLink Password and select Verify.

ctclink login with Password box and "verify" circled.

You are now ready to work in the ctcLink System!




Need More Help? Contact:

  • if you run into any issues following this guide, please contact the IT Services Help Desk to resolve them.

    We're open from 7:30am to 5:30pm weekdays:

    • at 360-596-5544
    • or
    • or even visit us in person on the first floor of Building 22