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Print to Library Printers

Students and faculty/staff can print documents to library printers using library lab computers or from personal devices via Web Printing services.  

Documents must be opened and/or stored properly to use library printers. Below are instructions for how to prepare and print documents from the library computers in the lab. For information on printing to library printers from personal devices, please see our "Print to a Public Space Printer" guide, found here:


·         Students must have an available balance in PaperCut to utilize this service

·         Printers are named after the rooms where they reside. The Library printers will contain “22R161” in the start of their names. Ensure these are the printers selected when performing the printer selection step(s) of this guide.

·      Preparing/opening documents to print:

  1.  If you are working on documents from a personal device: 
    • Email the document to your ClipperID email address from your personal device OR
    • Upload the document to Office365 from your personal device
  2. Log into the Library computer using your ClipperID (student email) login, ensuring to include the portion, as shown below: Windows login screen showing an email as the user name
  3. Follow the appropriate steps below to print from an application or Office365

 Printing from Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc)

  1. If the document is on your personal computer, follow the steps above for "Preparing/opening documents to print" and open the document in the appropriate Office application on the Library computer
  2. Either download the document from Office365 or fully open it from your email
  3. Once the document is open on the Library computer in the needed application, select "File" in the upper left corner of the application window, as shown below: A cropped image showing the Microsoft Word top ribbon with the "File" selection circled in red with red arrow pointing to circle
  4.  In the print window, use the drop down to select one of the Library printers, as shown below: An image of the Microsoft Word print options screen with the printer selection drop down menu circled in red

Printing from Office365

  1. Follow the instructions at the start of this guide for "Preparing/opening documents to print"
  2. While logged into the Library computer, open a browser (Chrome, Firefox or Edge) 
  3. Navigate to Office365 by:
    • Logging into the website and selecting "Email and Office365" from the list of Quick Links  OR
    • Navigating directly to the Office365 site and signing in with your ClipperID email and password. The Office365 site can be found here:
  4. Locate the document your would like to print. This can be done several ways:
    • Use the search bar at the top of the Office365 page, as shown below, and search for the name of your document:An image of the Microsoft Office365 home page with the top, center search bar circled in red


    • Select "My Content" from the left menu and then select the file from your list to open it in the browser, as shown: An image of the Microsoft Office365 home page, focused on the right-side menu with "My Content" circled in red
  5. One the document is open in Office365 in the browser, select "Print". Your document will be created as a PDF for printing by Office365. Once this automatic process is complete, select "Open Document", then select the printer you would like to use, shown here: An image of the Microsoft Office365 print options page with the printer drop down menu circled in red


  6. Select the "Print" button and then retrieve your document from the selected printer 

Printing from a Web Page:

Google Chrome:

  1. Open the web page you would like to print
  2. In the upper right of the browser window, select the three stacked dots to open the menu, as shown below:An image showing three dots stacked on top of each other on the upper right corner of a web page, circled in red


  3. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate printer, then select the "Print" button, as shown below: A printer settings window with the printer selection drop down menu circled in red


FireFox Browser: 

  1. Open the web page you would like to print
  2. In the upper right of the browser window, select the three stacked lines to open the menu, as shown below: A cropped image focusing on three stacked lines, circled in red


  3. Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate printer, then select the "Print" button, as shown below: Cropped image of printer settings window, focused on printer selection drop down menu, which is circled in red


Printing from Cloud locations (Google Drive, DropBox, etc)

  1. Log into the Library computer and open a browser 
  2. Navigate to your cloud service and log in 
  3. Use the steps above for "Printing from a Web Page" OR download the document and print using the appropriate steps in this guide for the application used to open the document

Printing from USB drives

  1. Log into the Library computer
  2. Open the File Explorer on the computer by typing "File Explorer" in the search bar in the lower left of the screen, next to the Start Menu OR by selecting the "File Explorer" icon, as shown below: 
  3. Select your USB drive (usually named the 'D:' drive) by double-selecting OR right-selecting and choosing "Open in a new window" 
  4. Double-select the needed document to open it OR right-select it and then select "Open"
  5. Print using the appropriate steps in this guide for the application used to open the document 


If nothing prints to the selected printer: 

  • If there are no funds in your papercut account, printing to campus or Library printers will not be possible. To add funds: 
    • Visit the PaperCut website here:
    • Log in with your ClipperID email and password and then purchase the needed funds to print your task 
  • Ensure the correct printer is selected. Printers in the library will be named after the room, containing "22R161" within the first portion of the name of the printer
  • The selected printer may be powered off or in sleep mode. Travel to the needed printer and ensure the screen shows content/lights up with information displayed. If not, please speak with Library staff for assistance powering on/waking the device

Formatting/image issues: 

  • If text boxes, images, or other elements in the document are not showing or are becoming skewed when printed, follow the steps to print from the appropriate place and rather than select a physical, named printer in the drop down, select to "Print to PDF". After the PDF is created, open the new PDF document and follow instructions to print from a Web Page 
  • If attempting to print text from a web page and it is showing many images and other text that is not needed, select and drag the cursor over the needed text in the web page, right select the highlighted text and select "Print" from the small context window that appears. This will print the selected text rather than the entire web page 
  • Documents printed from an open email will often print the "Preview" of the document and not the full page. Ensure that the document is downloaded, opened, and printed from an application using the appropriate steps from this guide


Need More Help? Contact:

  • if you run into any issues following this guide, please contact the IT Services Help Desk to resolve them.

    We're open from 7:30am to 5:30pm weekdays:

    • at 360-596-5544
    • or
    • or even visit us in person on the first floor of Building 22