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Review and Accept Financial Aid

1. Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "Menu" which will open a list of options. Below the main list, select "mySPSCC."

Top of SPSCC Website with Menu in upper right corner. Below is the resulting menu and a series of options across the bottom of the page with mySPSCC as the second option for selection.r

Or, you can login to, and select the tile for SPSCC.  You may see other tiles if you have attended other Community or Technical colleges in Washington State.


2. Select "Student Homepage"  

3. Select the "Financial Aid" tile.

Financial aid is one of  9 tiles available on the student homepage.

4. Select the Aid Year you want to review.

Years on listed on left side. choose one to view award.

5. Your award summary for that year will appear. You can scroll down to see more than one term for that year.

Lists the award granted fo rthe term in question.

6. Select "View Scheduled Disbursement Dates" to see the dates you will receive aid.  Then select "Accept/Decline".

Summarizes your financial award. button on bottom right allows you to accept or decline.

7. Use the check boxes to accept or decline the specific awards. Then select "Update Totals" and "Submit"

Boxes on right allow you to accept or decline individual awards. Update total and submit are in the bottom right.


