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Check Account Balance and Pay for Classes

1. Go to the SPSCC homepage and Select "Menu" which will open a list of options. Below the main list, select "mySPSCC."

Top of SPSCC Website with Menu in upper right corner. Below is the resulting menu and a series of options across the bottom of the page with mySPSCC as the second option for selection.r

Or, you can login to, and select the tile for SPSCC.  You may see other tiles if you have attended other Community or Technical colleges in Washington State.


2. Select "Student Homepage"  

3. Select the "Financial Account" tile.

The financial account is in the second row, second from the left.

4. When the Account Balance page displays, select "Make a Payment" from the "Payments" drop-down.

Payments are on the left side of the page.  From the drop down we see payment history then Make a payment.

5. When the "Specify Payment Amount" displays, enter your "Payment Amount" and select "Next".

Payment amount is on the right side of the page.  Next is bottom right.

6. When the "Confirm Payment" page displays, select "Continue to Make Payment".

Continue to make payment button is in the middle of the page on the right.

7. When the "Billing Information" page displays, check all fields for accuracy and select "Next".

Complete all fields.  First name, last name, address, city, zip code, and email.

8. When the "Billing Information" page displays, check all fields for accuracy and select "Next".

Enter your credit card information.  Card type, card number, expiration date, cvn. Next is bottom right.

9. You will have one last chance to review your order.  Select "Finish" to see the confirmation page.

A Chance to review your information.   Finish is bottom left.This is a window that confirms that your payment has been made and accepted.


